Impression of 11th International Student SeminarWith your great help, the 11th International Student Seminar was completed successfully. We would like to share the staff's impression of this seminar and please share YOUR impression to us as well :-)
It was my second time to be a committee member of the ISS. The 11th ISS was very much more advanced and successful than the last one, having much more attendees both in the 'Group Discussion' & the symposium. In addition, we had very nice presentations with better research, better English competence and better presentation skills.
Personally, I enjoyed much better and worked harder than last year. I did a vice-chair, taking care of the invited guests. It was tough but delightful work because conversations with them boosted my English skill. This year, I did a presentation at the seminar and got an oral award, thanks to all the people surrounding me. Also, interaction among the committee members was also very much fun. They encouraged me, raised me up as a responsible person and stimulated my intelligence. Surely, they enabled me to work hard.
Here I want to express my gratitude for all of the members. Thank you very much. Kei Murata
I had a valuable experience, which was preparation and operation of great meeting. There were many things to learn such as contacting with outlanders or chair of the seminar. Because I am not good at talking in English, I went through the effort to understand what I was said and to represent what I wanted to say. However, I enjoyed the conversation or discussion at the seminar and I had good experiences. Toshifumi Ishiguro
規模の大きな会の準備、運営という貴重な経験をする事ができました。 外部の方との連絡のやり取りやセミナーにおける司会進行等、 学ぶ事が多くありました。 英語が苦手で相手の行った事を理解し、自分の言いたい事を表現するのには苦労し ましたが、 セミナー中の会話やディスカッションを楽しむ事ができ、よい経験となりました。 石黒 俊史
Both the preparation period and the seminar went by surprisingly fast! I am glad I did, even though ISS committee is very tough work. I appreciate having the opportunity to join the committee. Shota Sakaguchi
準備もセミナーも終わってみれば、あっという間でした。 国際学生セミナーの委員の仕事はとても大変でしたが、 やってよかったと思っています。このような機会を得られたことに感謝します。 阪口 翔太
Although I joined the ISS committee without knowing much about ISS, I felt that my decision was right!! I could interact with colleagues and teachers, international researchers whom I can't interact with in a daily life. I knew about new ways of thinking. I'm very happy because many participants enjoyed talking about each other. I also enjoyed Overnight retreat and made the relationship deepen. I want to keep in touch with "ISS friends" as ever! Rika Fuchiue
ISSについてよく知らないまま実行委員に加わりましたが、ISSを終えた今、 思い切った決断をして良かったと感じています。 就職活動との両立であったため、他の委員の方に助けていただいた部分がたくさん ありました。本当に感謝しています。 ISSに参加し、他のラボの学生、先生、そして海外の研究者など普段なかなか交流 することのできない人々と関われたことで新たな考え方に触れることができたと 感じています。 会期中、多くの場面で交流を楽しむ人々を目にし、嬉しく思いました。 担当した仁和寺でのOvernight retreatでは、ゲームやディスカッションを通して、 楽しい一晩を過ごすことができました。 最後に宿泊研修があることで参加者との仲を更に深めることができたのではない かと感じます。今後も、今回できた繋がりを大切にしていきたいです。 渕上 莉加
I really want to say thank you 11th ISS member and participant. I had precious experience through this seminar. ISS is unique to Kyoto-university, and the seminar prepared by the students mostly and communication with foreign people were taken very seriously. Putting enthusiasm this seminar, advertisement in advance, the skill of speaking English, the interpretation the data, were really needed. I really felt that it took many period and effort to accomplish this seminar and it needs everyone's cooperate. I was overwhelmed and recognize my inadequacy. I felt really sorry for absence some seminar because of my poor health. I wrote down what I felt through seminar (Before and during the seminar.)
Before the seminar
- Learning how to organize the past seminar. (Asking the former member, brochure, etc...) and recognize positioning my and other jobs to improve this year seminar.
- Checking at least the familiar fields specialist.
- Lecture for oral presenter and chair person is essential. When I heard the oral presenter, his talking and slides improved before lecture.
During the seminar
Arika Hayashi
- Rehearsal event is essential.
- Communication with outside and inside participant positively.
- In group discussion, I felt I have to ask a question and suggestion actively. For me, (I don't know other guy) training interpreting and considering the data are needed (as I usually do at lab) and of course, the knowledge of specific English.
まず初めに11回国際学生セミナー実行委員を務めさせて頂いたことに感謝の敬 を払いたい。 自身実行委員をするにあたり、半年間数多くの経験をさせて頂いた。 他の大学、研究科ではない、京都大学生命科学研究科ならではの学生+国際交流に 主体をおいたセミナーを造り上げるには相当な時間、労力を費やす必要があるのだ と感じた。 全ての方の協力があってセミナーが成功すると思った。 セミナー自体を盛り上げるには事前の宣伝、英語のスキル,やデーターを解釈する スキルは本当に必要であると感じた。 委員の方々の必死さに圧倒されると同時に自分の力不足を痛感した。 また体調管理不足から皆様にご迷惑をかけてしまったことを大変申し訳なく感じて いる。 自らが感じたことを主にセミナー本番まで、セミナー当日に分けて下記に記す。
- 過去や今年のセミナー全体の流れを掴む。 そのうえで自身の仕事、全体の仕事の位置づけを認識する。 (過去に参加した人の意見等を貰うこともできたら良いと思う。)
- 普段から自身の研究分野は無論、他分野のスペシャリスト等を認識しておく 。セミナーに招待したい方等を積極的に意見を出すことができる。
- 口頭者のJames先生の練習会、座長練習会は来年も続けるべきである。 自身が当日練習会に参加した発表者のトークを聴いて、練習会でのアドバイス等 が反映されてより充実した発表になっていた。
林 亜里香
- 今まで学会等で客観的に見ていた仕事(座長、照明・マイク、 パソコン設定・・)オンタイムに会場を盛り上げることができるのだと感じた。
- 会場設営等の当日、前日の予行練習は必要不可欠(本番で具体的なイメー ジを掴むことができる)
- 海外からの来客者だけでなく、内部の参加者にも積極的に話す (会場の雰囲気づくりも大事である)。
- グループディスカッションでは、まったく意見が出なかったりしたときの 為にも積極的に委員が意見を出す必要があると感じた。 積極的に意見を出し合うためにも、普段からデーターを解釈・考察するトレーニング、 日常会話だけでなく、専門的な英語力が必要であると感じた。 その力は普段の研究に対する取り組みが直接までとはいかないが大きく反映されると思う。
My name is Jiancheng Chen, a member of the organizing committee of the 11th International Student Seminar (ISS). This is my first time to be a committee member of an international seminar. Although the meeting is over, it brought me a really good experience, because I learned a lot from the seniors and knew much about how to organize an international conference. I also knew a lot of young students and researchers at the 11th ISS, we talked about life science together, benefited a lot from each other. Although sometimes we cannot communicate fluently, we can use body language, so we can understand each other very well. This reminded me the slogan of our 11th ISS, "No Boundaries! Everything starts from your interests". After the ISS, we had an amazing overnight retreat in the famous temple, Ninnaji. We chatted happily after dinner, and played many funny games, all of us immersed in joy. And, this is the first I talked with so many foreigners for overnight with drinking, the feeling was ineffable. The time of ISS was short, but all the events of ISS brought us many good memories, and we will never forget it. I hope that all of us (including the invitees) will keep in touch with each other not only now, but also in the future, because development of life science needs young researchers' mutual cooperation. Jiancheng Chen