「Connecting Open Science and Publishing」 ポスター🔗
Dr. Bernd Pulverer
2024年11月11日(月) 15:00~16:00
京都大学 先端科学研究棟(医学部構内)1階、大セミナー室
The five journals of EMBO Press publish highly selected research. I will discuss criteria for selection and policies that enable a more constructive, informed process focused on improving research with minimal friction for researchers.
Optimal scholarly dissemination links peer-reviewed scientific journals with Open Science through synergism between research articles, preprints and data repositories. This is exemplified by the concept of ‘refereed preprints’ and the Review Commons journal agnostic review service, but also the publication of curated, quality controlled source data. Together, these initiatives accelerate scientific sharing and allow for a more constructive research assessment.
Data and methods should be available to referees to enhance classical peer review with data focussed peer review and AI-human based quality control steps. Open Science platforms allow sharing with minimal delay and maximal transparency and, together with high quality OA publishing, will increase the efficiency of scientific dissemination.
I will discuss the impact of AI on the research process form bench to journal.
生命科学研究科附属生命情報解析教育センター (CeLiSIS)