Applications for the FY2024 CeLiSIS Collaborative Research Promotion Fund are now being accepted.
CeLiSIS Collaborative Research Promotion Fund Application Guidelines
The program supports activities to develop human resources to promote data-driven life science research by involving graduate students in collaborative research between researchers in wet (biology in the broad sense) and dry (information science, mathematics, statistics, etc.) fields inside the university.
2.Qualifications and Selection Criteria
•Any position is acceptable as long as the researcher is qualified and holds full-time position at the University until the end of FY2024.
(This fund is in accordance with the application conditions of the intramural fund “Ishizue”.
•Teams should be made up of pairs of researchers in the university who belong to the wet and dry fields.
•The teams need to involve graduate students belonging to one of the researcher's laboratories.
•We are focused on proposals that can be expected to synergistic effects among researchers in different fields.
•Even if a researcher on the team has overlap with research being received or applied for from another program, This does not restrict the researcher from applying to this program.
•1,000,000 yen (maximum) for each researcher, wet and dry, and 2,000,000 yen (maximum) per team.
•Support period: Until 31st, Mar, 2025 (FY2024)
•Up to 3 projects may be accepted.
4.How to apply
Download the application form and upload a PDF version (maximum 5MB) to the URL below.
•Application Form FY2024(Word)
•Upload URL:
(You will receive an email notification of receipt of your application after the application deadline.)
5. Schedule
•Start of call for proposals(Mid July, 2024)
•Deadline for submission of applications(30th August, 2024)
•Timing of notice of review results(Early September,2024)
•Presentations by graduate students at seminars organized by CeLiSIS
•Reports of the collaborative researches
Center for Living Systems Information Science (CeLiSIS)