Life science and related fields have now entered the era of "data-driven life science," which combines the acquisition of multifaceted large data sets, using state-of-the-art equipment, with analysis. This data-driven life science can be led by " two-way" human beings who not only acquire big data from biological samples, but also analyze the data by themselves using informatics approaches to extract, understand, and utilize the data to interpret the biological significance.

Quantitative Biology for Experimentalists

Frontiers in Genomic Research

Frontiers in Big Data Science


CeLiSIS faculty members are leaders in their respective areas of research, and often incorporate wet-and-dry bench processes. Our faculty have diverse backgrounds and have a record of research training who have mentored and helped develop successful, former trainees who have established productive careers. Faculty serve on committees, teach major courses, directly mentor students, and provide core support essential to the functioning of CeLiSIS Program. The program is proud to have 16 Faculty members in total. 

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