CeLiSIS Collaborative Research Promotion Fund

List of Adopters for FY2024

  Name Position Affiliation Research Field Research Title
Principal Investigator Toshiyuki Sakai Assistant Professor Laboratory of Crop Evolution, Graduate School of Agriculture
Genome breeding, Bioinformatics
Collaborative Researcher    Runa Yamamori Assistant Professor Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, Field Science Education and Research Center Marine Natural History
Principal Investigator ROBERT, Martin Program-specific Associate Professor Laboratory of Microbial Systems Biology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Bacterial biofilm development and physiology Uncovering and modeling the bioelectrical heartbeat of bacterial biofilms
Collaborative Researcher Akira Kakugo Professor Division of Physics and Astronomy
Graduate School of Science
Active matter
Principal Investigator Daigo Okada Assistant Professor Genome Informatics, Center for Genomic Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine Machine learning, Bioinformatics, Genetic Statistics 機械学習を用いたCAR-T細胞の作成プロセスの改良
Collaborative Researcher Shin Kaneko Professor Laboratory of Regenerative Immunotherapy, Dept. of Cell Growth and Differentiation, Center for iPS Cell Research and Application Immunology, CAR-T cells

Application Guidelines(FY2024)

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