- 国際学生セミナー
- 現地開催
- 終了しました
The 17th International Student Seminar
Sprinting on the Frontier of Biology
第17回国際学生セミナー実行委員 委員長
システム機能学分野 博士課程4年
佐奈喜 祐哉
2019年3月6日(水)~3月12日(火)に第17回国際学生セミナー(17 th ISS: International Student Seminar)が開催されました.本セミナーは、Encourage young scientistsをミッションとして、学生が実行委員となり運営しています。
今年のISSは”Sprinting on the Fron – tier of Biology”をテーマに、若手研究者が国際的な舞台で活躍するためには、ISSがどうサポートできるのかを考えながら企画を進めてきました。その一環として、理学研究科の森和俊教授をお呼びしてプレナリーセッションを開催しました。第一線でご活躍されている先生の貴重な経験談をお話しいただき、学生をはじめとした若手研究者を鼓舞していただきました。
最後になりますが、17th ISS に多大なご協力をいただきました森先生及び審査員をお願いした先生方、セッションへご参加いただいたみなさま、事務室の皆さま、また生命科学研究科の皆さまに実行委員を代表してお礼申し上げます。
– Long-talk presentation award –
L-10 Anjali Bisaria -Best prize-
I am a graduate student from Stanford University and also a visiting collaborator in the Matsuda group. This year’s seminar was very stimulating. I was impressed by the quality of the science and presentations from all the students. I find that many of the projects, even for first year master’s students are very well thought out. I also think the large diversity in subjects discussed in the talks (structural biology, plant science, organismal) are not normally found in a small conference. The ISS is a very special opportunity for Japanese graduate students to meet a large number of other students and showcase their work. I believe that programs like this are necessary to build scientific networks within Japan as well as abroad. It is also nice that students get to start practicing formal English presentations from early in their career since scientific communication is important for any career a scientist might take. I hope the ISS can continue in future years.
L-4 Jaclyn M. Fingerhut -Outstanding-
I was an invited guest for the 17th ISS. I was very impressed with how easy the committee made it to organize my visit. It was very nice to be greeted at the airport and in general, the committee and all the guests and faculty showed tremendous hospitality – I never once felt like an outsider. I really appreciated being escorted from the airport as well as to meals. It was also appreciated that the committee members took the time to partake in a site-seeing adventure with us so that we could see a famous shrine as well as learn how to get around on our own and the proper etiquette when visiting other shrines and temples. I also enjoyed the ISS itself – the quality of science was very high and other guests and presenters engaged in thought-provoking discussions. I was honored to be awarded an outstanding presentation award for my long talk as all of the talks were of excellent quality. Finally, I thought the addition of a career development session was a good idea and it was interesting to hear different perspectives on the job market.
L-13 Soaad Alfaqaan -Outstanding-
– Short-talk presentation award –
S-12 Ayumi Mure
Though I was involved in the International Student Seminar last year as a committee member, attending the 17th ISS as one of the presenters was a completely new experience. This year, I had a precious opportunity for practicing the skills to summarize my research and give a presentation to people from many different research areas. I am honored to be awarded as an outstanding oral presentation in the Short Talk Session, and thankful for the members of Uemura Lab and Professor Hejna for their valuable advice for my first oral presentation. In this event, I also had many opportunities to communicate with people in this graduate school as well as young scientists from all over the world. In the scientific session, I had chances to discuss with other participants, and some of them gave me helpful information and suggestions about my study, while others inspired me by interesting researches of their own. At the overnight retreat, I enjoyed getting to know and having conversations with the others on such an informal occasion. In addition, I was greatly encouraged by the six alumni who appreciate and are proud of their jobs. I am truly grateful for having had this whole experience, and would like to thank all the committee members for organizing this seminar.
S-14 Jiaqi Li
S-3 Carlos Rodriguez
S-4 Ayaka Bota
– Poster presentation award –
Naoya Hino,Yuki Kanesaka, Aki Ejima, Elizabeth Shimoura, Mizuki Mitsukawa, Yoko Fujita, Marina Matsumiya, Yumi Konagaya
It was a great opportunity to give a short talk and present a poster to many people including overseas researchers at the ISS. After the talk session, many researchers came to my poster and I enjoyed interacting with them. To be honest, it was still difficult for me to fully understand what they were talking, but I believe that the experience will be helpful for the future improvement of my English language proficiency. Also, I was impressed by Japanese students who actively and freely interact with overseas students or postdocs. It encouraged me to proactively approach to other participants, and I gained a little bit of confidence in talking in English. At the poster session, many researchers gave me suggestions and comments for my study. Thanks to them, I obtained some ideas to further advance and improve my research. Fortunately, I received a poster award in the ISS. I would like to thank Professor Michiyuki Matsuda, Dr. Tsuyoshi Hirashima, and all the other lab members. (Naoya)