Division of Integrated Life Science

Laboratory of Plant Developmental Biology

Research summary

Research outline

We are interested in molecular mechanisms underlying plant’s responses to environment and developmental processes regulated by them. Plants have evolved plastic developmental programs with both genetic and epigenetic basis to adapt their sessile mode of life to changing environment. Using an angiosperm, Arabidopsis thaliana and a liverwort, Marchantia polymorpha as model systems, we have been investigating growth phase transition in response to environmental signals such as day length, sexual reproduction processes from germline specification to gametogenesis, and evolution of regulatory systems. By studying two representative model species from phylogenetically distant clades, we aim to elucidate general principles of environmental response and development in land plants.

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Main themes

  • regulation of growth phase transition (especially reproductive transition) in response to environmental signals
  • mechanism of day-length perception by photoreceptors and circadian clock
  • long-distance systemic signaling (e.g. florigen) in the control of development
  • sexual reproduction processes (especially, germline specification and gametogenesis)
  • origin and evolution of regulatory systems for plastic development


ARAKI, TakashiProfessor

araki.takashi.3a*kyoto-u.ac.jp See faculty

YAMAOKA, ShoheiAssociate Professor

yamaoka.shohei.4v*kyoto-u.ac.jp See faculty

INOUE, KeisukeAssistant Professor

inoue.keisuke.6w*kyoto-u.ac.jp See faculty
  • Please note that the @ symbol has been replaced by *.


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