Division of Systemic Life Science

Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology

Research summary

Research outline

Our research aims at understanding the molecular mechanism of homeostasis maintaining, especially focuses on dietary/nutritional function, endocrine metabolism, and cancer. Based on this research, we aim to provide valuable insight into the development of functional foods, supplements, and medicinal drugs.

Main themes

  • Dietary signaling via nutrient-sensing receptors and metabolic syndrome
  • Non-genomic effects via sex steroid hormone receptors and neurological disorders


KIMURA, IkuoProfessor

kimura.ikuo.7x*kyoto-u.ac.jp See faculty

IKEDA, TakakoAssistant Professor

ikeda.takako.2r*kyoto-u.ac.jp See faculty

TAKADA, HiromiAssistant Professor


WATANABE, KeitaProgram-Specific Assistant Professor

  • Please note that the @ symbol has been replaced by *.


Faculty of Medicine Campus, Faculty of Medicine Bldg. G South Campus Research Bldg.

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